Feb 2024: Life and other things

First post of this month, and this time I’m writing while my toddler is fast asleep. He is such a ball of fire these days, I need more energy to keep up!!

Some days, I feel like choosing to run a business while caring for a toddler crazy and way beyond what I can handle, but then I have moments of fulfilment and joy when
I accomplish something in my business. Actually I really want to take a moment to be grateful for the anchor that my business has become for me in this season of motherhood. It’s that place I go to so my mind can work on something different, talking to my awesome clients has more than often made me laugh, and most importantly, I am constantly learning in business. It’s made me value my own resilience.

First, a little bit on what’s been happening this month in biz world.

  • Launched a new service for Chutzpah Creative: I’m so excited to share this one, but we are now going to be offering websites as well as content strategy services. This one has been in the works since late last year, but I can officially share the news now! The first website is going to be launched by the end of this month, and my client is really happy with the work done so far. I’ve collaborated with an amazing designer to make this happen and can’t wait to share the final product.

    Sales pages out soon!

  • Creating a strategy and plan for one of my dearest friends in Mumbai - Disha Thakkar - she is @myfushciaworld over on IG. She’s a talented mom with a flair for content creation and has a really big passion for sharing the real, raw details of bringing up her two daughters. This one is close to my heart and I can’t wait to share her content plan soon!

  • I just completed a new training with the Digital Picnic for paid ads, this is something that I’ve been waiting to dive into for ages.

  • I also delivered a new content strategy this week for a new business ‘Finer things’ aspiring to build a wellness brand centred around working women, working moms and women who are looking to create more balance and well being in their lives.

Some goals for this month

  • I really want to be more intentional about getting out there and networking with others in business. Feels great to WFH but also I’m just yearning to go to networking events and meeting people, learning about their ventures and also keeping up with the latest

  • Spending mornings with J before baby boy wakes up. Once the mornings get away from us, feels like the whole day is gone too.

  • Start weight training - something that’s been on my to-do list for a while, but I think I’m finally ready to get into it.

  • Journal with scripture more and meditate every day.

  • Create more business content for my brand, and also focus on creating more resources

Some happy things

  • Had a few friends over for J’s birthday and it felt like heaven…I honestly live for social gatherings and I am over the moon about being able to do this again.

  • Celebrated 21 months of Liam!

  • Reconnected with an old friend who I hadn’t been in touch with. Felt like we were meant to chat and it was amazing. To more reunions with long lost girlfriends!

…and that’s all I have for now! We have another few days before we’re off to Melbourne for a whole MONTH.

So much to prepare, I’ll be blogging about the journey this time, so stay tuned :)

Until next time!

Fay xx


How Women Rise - Book Review


happy new year