happy new year

Image by Satoko C


Jan 2, 2024.

Hello Blog. It’s been a while.

Feels like the day after New Year’s Day is a good time as any to saunter back into this space…


Not sure about you, but I almost always have nostalgia running through me this time of every year.

As the calendar flips over to a new year, there is a certain allure in taking a step back to assess the journey so far and contemplate the road that lies ahead. It's a moment in limbo, giving space for introspection, a chance to sift through memories, achievements, and perhaps even missed opportunities. With each passing year, we accumulate experiences that shape us and mold us into who we are today.

I’m typing this as my 19-month-old walks around, singing (trying to, adorably!) ‘One Little Fishy Swimming in the Water’. His walk is no longer a wobble, he’s gained more confidence these last few weeks and to be honest, my heart is constantly melting these days! He is at the age now where independence has kicked in, expressions are a constant, he loves animals and nature, songs and rhymes are always on his mind, and most of his requests now include me and his dad reading to him, or dancing and singing…it’s part of the daily routine now.

As late 2022/23 drew me into mamahood, it called me to be more and to meet the moment like never before. Through exhaustion late nights, and everything that comes with the terrain of this rite of passage, I was becoming a mother, and motherhood was becoming me.
It has been a transformative journey, filled with equal parts joy and weariness, but each day has brought a new sense of fulfillment and purpose. The sleepless nights and endless laundry now seem insignificant in comparison to the profound love and connection I felt for my little one. Every giggle, every milestone achieved, was a reminder of the incredible responsibility and privilege that came with being a mother. It was as if my heart had burst open, and expanded, taking on a new shape and size to accommodate the immense love that poured forth. Amid the chaos, some moments felt like pure magic – the soft touch of my baby's hand, the warmth of his breath against my skin, the little laughs that felt like music to my ears.

And as I watched my child grow, I realised that I was growing alongside him. Amidst the exhaustion and the chaos, there was a deep sense of gratitude for the privilege of being entrusted with this remarkable task of nurturing and shaping a new little life. Motherhood has now become a part of my identity, intertwined with every fiber of my being, and an addition to all the layers I’ve already had before. It is an ongoing process of figuring things out, finding balance, and constantly adapting to the ever-changing needs of my child. But through it all, the rewards have outweighed the challenges, and 19 months later, I feel like I’ve emerged a stronger, wiser, and more loving version of myself. Becoming a mother was, and still is, a profound metamorphosis that has immersed me in a world of boundless love, immense sacrifice, and indescribable joy.

Every day, I discovered new depths of strength within myself, and as time went on, I began to understand that motherhood was not just about raising a child - it was about discovering and nurturing the depths of my own heart…

As I scrolled on Instagram on New Year’s Eve, watching some beautiful highlight reels, it occurred to me that even though I didn’t have the time or energy to put one together, in 2023, I discovered the profound beauty of cultivating presence in every aspect of my life.

Whether it was spending quality time with my child, sharing moments with my husband, or simply engaging with anyone who crossed my path, I found myself completely immersed in the present moment. The year taught me the transformative power of being fully present in every situation, as it allowed me to appreciate the beauty and depth of even the simplest interactions. From savoring the warmth of my child's laughter to cherishing the conversations with loved ones, I realized that there was no better place to be than exactly where I was… It became all about Being present, and 150% in the moment. FOMO? Yes. That happens, too. A lot. But a child will demand real presence from you, no questions asked. A toddler, even more so. For someone like me, constantly connected, and in-the-know, this presence grounds me now like never before.

There’s no fighting what IS.

Acceptance seems to have become the by-product of the ‘being present’ thing…and that, to me is a VERY good thing!

I’m starting this year feeling present and so content.
I don’t feel the need to have a lavish to-do list about making myself better.
I’m not going to hold myself to a stringent timeline when it comes to achieving things or milestones.

My goals for this year are just an outline, not something I am writing in stone. They’re more like guidelines…

Things like:

  • Cultivate morning routines and times for prayer and quiet reflection (something I didn’t do much of in 2023)

  • Be open to big change when it arrives

  • Seek health and appreciate my body more

  • Nurture friendships and close connections

  • Look at the same things and people with new eyes

  • Create more value-based business content (something I wasn’t able to do a lot of last year)

  • Have fun with my business and try new things

  • Write about my experiences while running this business

  • Work in my zone of genius

  • Writing more in this space, sharing more on this blog

  • Continuing to surrender (God’s plan over mine, always) but allowing my ambitious side to thrive!

  • Be open to big change when it arrives

  • Planning every week what I’d like to create and share

    This list feels light, right, and fun.

    The way the year shapes itself is going to be something I already cherish.

    Thank you for being here.

    Let’s create beautiful things this 2024.



    Some questions for reflection:

  • What values do you want to embody most this year?

  • What is something you want less of this year?

  • What do you need to do more of this year?

  • Who are the people you want to spend more time with?

  • What expectations will you let go of?

  • What lights up your soul and brings you the most joy? Will you give yourself this?

  • What’s a risk you KNOW you have to take this year? (the now or never kind)

  • What’s a fear you want to overcome this year?


Feb 2024: Life and other things


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