How Women Rise - Book Review

“You have the power to become more precise, more intentional, more present, more assertive, more autonomous, more at ease exercising authority, more confident setting boundaries, and a more effective advocate for yourself.”

HOW WOMEN RISE - by Sally Helgesen and Marshall Goldsmith

Came across this lovely book recently and the stunning cover art and title was the thing that hooked me right in.

Felt like this is the perfect book to pick up as I feel like I’m in this ‘in-between’ space (feels like I have been in this phase for a bit now) between taking care of my little sweetheart and running my business.

How Women Rise is a book written by Sally Helgesen and Marshall Goldsmith that delves into the specific challenges that women face in the workplace and offers practical advice on how to overcome these obstacles. The book identifies specific habits and behaviors that can hold women back from reaching their full potential, such as reluctance to claim their achievements, overvaluing expertise, building rather than leveraging relationships, and perfectionism.

The authors provide insights and strategies for women to break these habits and advance in their careers. They also offer guidance on how to cultivate a more empowering mindset, develop a compelling and influential voice, and navigate the complexities of leadership.

I found this book to be a thought-provoking and empowering guide. With a focus on breaking down the barriers that hinder women's professional growth, this book offers insightful strategies and actionable advice to help women overcome common obstacles and achieve their goals.

One of the book's greatest strengths is its identification and exploration of the twelve habits that often hold women back in their careers. From a reluctance to claim achievements to the tendency to put others' needs before their own, each habit is dissected with clarity and compassion. Through real-life examples and anecdotes, Helgesen and Goldsmith illustrate how these habits manifest in professional settings and provide practical tips for replacing them with more effective behaviors.

What sets this book apart is its emphasis on actionable steps that women can take to navigate the challenges they face in the workplace.

The authors offer concrete strategies for cultivating executive presence, building strategic relationships, and advocating for oneself with confidence and authenticity. Additionally, the book provides valuable insights into the importance of embracing risk-taking and learning from failure as essential components of professional growth.

This quote stood out to me:

“You have the power to become more precise, more intentional, more present, more assertive, more autonomous, more at ease exercising authority, more confident setting boundaries, and a more effective advocate for yourself.

All these riches lie within your capacity and scope. But the process can’t start until you identity those habits that hold you back, and start practicing new habits that better serve you.”

These are the things that the authors found to be the most limiting behaviours for women in the workplace

  • Reluctance to claim your achievements

  • Expecting others to spontaneously notice and reward your contributions

  • Overvaluing expertise

  • Just building rather than building and leveraging relationships

  • Failing to enlist allies from day one

  • Putting your job before your career

  • The perfection trap

  • The disease to please

  • Minimising

  • Too much ruminating

  • Letting your radar distract you

Another one of my favourite quotes from the book is this: The flip side of every limiting behaviour is always a strength

I loved the book's collaborative approach, with insights from both a female and male perspective, felt like it added depth and richness to its analysis.

By acknowledging the unique experiences and challenges faced by women in the workplace while also drawing on universal principles of leadership and personal development, Helgesen and Goldsmith offer a holistic and inclusive framework for success.

Overall I think "How Women Rise" is a must-read for women at any stage of their careers who aspire to reach their full potential.

With its practical advice, engaging writing style, and focus on empowerment, this book serves as a valuable resource for women seeking to break through barriers, achieve their professional goals, and thrive in leadership roles.


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