4 Tips for Small Business: Getting Started with Instagram Reels and Making Videos

By now, you’re truly familiar with howvideo content gives people an emotional connection with your brand, and it can help you stand out from competitors. But if making videos isn't something you want to do yourself (or even if it is), there's another option: using Instagram Reels. Here are six tips for how small businesses can make use of Instagram Reels and start making videos without hiring an expensive team.

Reels are like stories but they don't disappear after 24 hours like stories do. They also have an auto-play feature that allows users who watch your reel to see other reels in your feed without having to click on them individually or go back into the feed where they were posted originally (like with regular posts). This makes it easier for people viewing your content not only because they don't have as much clicking involved but also because there isn't any lag time between when someone finishes watching one video and starts watching another one from their feed!

Reels are like stories but they don't disappear after 24 hours like stories do. They also have an auto-play feature that allows users who watch your reel to see other reels in your feed without having to click on them individually or go back into the feed where they were posted originally (like with regular posts). This makes it easier for people viewing your content not only because they don't have as much clicking involved but also because there isn't any lag time between when someone finishes watching one video and starts watching another one from their feed!

  1. Don’t overthink it

    You don't have to be a professional to start making videos. You just need to be willing and open-minded, with an eye on what you want your brand's story to be.

    If you're not sure where to begin, don't feel like it's too late! Just start somewhere--anything can be a good first step forward. Maybe try out Instagram Reels or other types of video content; maybe ask yourself what would make sense for your business at this moment in time; maybe even just try talking into the camera (you might surprise yourself). The point is: Don't overthink it!

    You'll also want some help along the way as well--from friends who know more about video than you do (and can give helpful feedback), from colleagues who can assist with production or post-production work...or even from hiring professionals if needed! But remember: Don't let fear hold back progress--the only way through this minefield is straight ahead!

  2. Don’t be afraid to just start!

    The best way to learn something is by doing it, so don't let your fear of making mistakes hold you back from trying out new things. If your first video doesn't go well, then try again--and again and again until you get it right. And if at first glance your Instagram reel doesn't look as polished as some others in the same industry, remember that there are tons of resources available online that can help improve its quality (like this article). In fact, one of the best ways for small businesses owners like yourself is through trial-and-error: take what works well with other videos/pages/etc., then modify them slightly until they fit into your own brand voice or style better than before!

    The most important thing to remember is that video is a tool for communicating with your audience, not simply a way to create an impressive-looking Instagram reel. If you're just starting out and don't feel confident in your voice or style yet, then focus on creating content that helps establish those first--and be sure to ask for feedback from other people (like friends or family) who will give you honest opinions on what works well and what doesn't!

  3. Think of ways to show off your product or service

    If you have a product or service that can be shown off in a video, then this is a great way to use Instagram Videos. For example, if you sell clothing or jewellery, then showing your products on video will help potential customers see how they look and feel in action.

  4. Use different angles

    When you're making your video, try to use different angles. You can rotate the camera around the subject and zoom in or out as needed. You could also get down low, or even use a selfie stick for some shots!

    The lighting is also important. Experiment with different types of light: natural light from windows or lamps, overhead fluorescent bulbs (if you have access), etcetera. You might want some shadows on your subject's face--it will look more dramatic!

    Colour choice is also crucial--you'll want either bright colours or pastel hues depending on what kind of vibe you're going for in each scene of your reel/video clip(s). Props also make all kinds of difference here; try using props like hats or glasses if possible! Backgrounds matter too; it's always better if they match what type of mood/feeling we're trying convey through our work...and lastly but most importantly...close-ups vs wide shots

Instagram Reels are a great way to share videos with your audience, and it's easy to get started with them! We also recommend taking advantage of all the other tips we mentioned above: search for inspiration on YouTube, don't overthink it too much when filming or editing; use different angles; go live and answer questions from your audience; think of ways to use videos to show off products in a unique way; experiment!


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