Your uniqueness is much needed in this world - don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

The beginning of this new year is here, and it’s got me feeling all the feels.

It’s 4.30 am here in Sydney on the 12th of Jan. There are unopened suitcases around me. We’re just settling back in Surry Hills, and I am delightfully eating some traditional Christmas marzipan my aunty made especially for me when we left Mumbai for Sydney. In front of me is a picture of my husband reading bed time stories to my son, Liam. Simple Joys.

2023 feels like a beckoning into a new chapter, a semblance of sacred opportunity. C-19 is still around, but we’ve managed to change and adjust our sails to some really tricky winds. Hope rings loud and clear, and I can hear it’s bells everywhere these days…

If you have been through a hard time, whether it was during COVID or anything else, you can hope for a better day. This is a brand new year, with nothing in it but the purity of possibility. This year has nothing in it so far but the promise of something utterly magical, if you choose to believe in it. This year has healing, prosperity, joy and laughter, if you choose to create it. The pain of the past might make itself evident in your thoughts, and that’s normal - and very, very human - but hold on to Hope in the present, in the NOW. Every thought that you choose to think, every action that you choose to take, every piece of glorious optimism that you put into your world is never ever meaningless or wasted. It holds radiance and power and a force of it’s own. Your uniqueness is much needed in this world - don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Your life can change in a moment…so hold on to hope and DREAM BIG. This life is yours, now go and live it.


How to prepare for a personal branding photoshoot


Musings on the second day of a brand new year.