Musings on the second day of a brand new year.
Welcome, 2023.
I’m sitting in my parent’s bedroom in Mumbai as I write this, belly full of my mother’s cooking, a nice afternoon breeze coming in from the window behind. My baby gurgles nearby as his dad plays with him and all around, there is a calm, a quiet. That timeless space between Christmas Day and Early Jan, when the world knows little about work and deadlines and it‘s more about meeting, greeting, hugging and wishing each other a healthy and happy upcoming year. After 4 years, I’m now sitting where I longed to be, amidst the cocoon of my clan…soaking in ‘the space in between’. That tiny, beautiful sliver of time before the true rumble and tumble of the year kicks in.
Saying goodbye to 2022, a year I will never forget. This was the year we became a family of 3, welcomed our baby boy Liam in Sydney. This was the year I experienced the miracle of life, of holding life, of being a temple for a new being. I realised again, how sacred, how wonderful and how utterly powerful the body and mind and spirit of a woman is. From conception until birth, my body took care of mine and my baby’s every need…with each passing month, experiencing new changes…I was constantly in awe (and hungry!)
Being a mum for the first time rocked my world like nothing else. Mentally, physically and spiritually, I feel like a new being. Putting this into words is somewhat hard, because every day has its own nuance. The journey of pregnancy and birth is something like walking through the good kind of fire that moulds you into the character you were always meant to become. Being mum to Liam so far has changed the colour of my insides, the way I see the world, the way I love. My heart feels different, it feels more…and it feels more love than ever before.
As chaotic as the first few weeks were, he has been a darling. Loving the outdoors, his daily routine, smelling the flowers as we go. When everything else faded into the background, this was what remained - his laughter fills our home, and of late, he’s been bringing a smile to people wherever we go.
2023, you’re here. As I stare into the horizon I wonder about resolutions and big dreams. But….what do I long for? The focus to remain on things that matter. The ability to move forward and seize the moment as it happens. Staying in the knowing that God is above all things, no matter what. Keeping the faith when I need to.
When I think of the things I want to do, I think yoga, daily meditation, re-learn French, blogging weekly on this website…. Seeking adventure in all moments - even when I’m home taking care of my baby. Creating moments of excitement, and getting back to the basics. Living life simply, living life in love. I want every moment to have joy, have meaning and have tremendous potential for connection.
Asking the (big) small questions - what makes me come alive? What will my Highest Self want me to do in this moment? How can I infuse JOY wherever I go? What can I do today to make my business soar? How can I serve my clients better? What bigger purpose can my business serve in the world?
As everyone chooses a word of the year, mine resoundingly is FORWARD. Beckoning me into the future, honouring my Divine Past while being fully rooted and reinvigorated in my present. This word is my guiding light for the way ahead.