What are content pillars and why you need them

Content pillars are the overarching themes, categories of topics you use in telling your brand’s stories. They provide the base for the execution of your overall content strategy, they are the guiding themes that reflect your brand’s mission, your company voice, your target audience and your offerings.

When creating your strategy, these are some of the questions to consider:

  • Who are your target customers or clients?

  • What is your USP? What makes you stand out to your audience?

  • What are you the expert in and what makes you the expert?

  • What topics are aligned with your brand? What are you passionate about?

  • What are your brand values? Why did you start your business?

  • What is the mission and vision of your enterprise?

  • What products and services do you want to market to your audience?

5 types of content pillars

  • Expertise

  • Journey

  • Audience pain points

  • Community connection

  • Personal narrative

My content pillars:

  • Business Story, business journey (expertise)

  • Things I am inspired by (Journey)

  • Content Marketing / Creation Tips (expertise)

  • Sydney and my experience living here (community)

  • Leadership (Personal narrative)


Cause I gotta have faith


Your business, your way