Cause I gotta have faith
I don’t know how to write about this.
I normally don’t write about this or talk about it as much as I should, but it’s the thing that took me on a wildly beautiful, chaotic, rich, textured ride of this thing called my life. Without it, I wouldn’t be me, and with it? I am more ME, more authentic and boldly step into ‘not taking life too seriously ‘.
I’m talking about my FAITH.
How on earth does one begin to describe this? It’s a knowing, a deep knowing in my bones that God is everywhere in my life, in the nooks and crannies that I would never imagine Him. Whether life is good, bad or ugly, this faith has allowed a level of surrender, a grace beyond my humanity to exist. In turn, I turned circumstances that were possibly the things that I thought would break me into situations of victory, transformation and aliveness.
Faith creates a spirit of boldness in me that would never otherwise exist.
I talk a lot about ‘Divine Timing’, ‘Providence’ and ‘Miracles’…and all these stem from my belief that the Divine force that causes us all to exist is the very thing that guides the path for the rest of our lives.
I’m all for free will and free thinking..but I’ve always observed that aligning my spirit with God opens up portals of possibility and wonder that I could never create on my own. It’s as though I’ve tapped into the power of something and someone much more significant, much greater than my humanity.
To me, God is alive and everywhere. In the petals of fresh blossoms and the thunder of the skies. In the wild and the city. In people far and near.
Because of faith, I can forgive.
Because of faith, I am forgiven.
It’s like a renewal of the spirit from moment to moment.
Going to God has become second nature to me. Taking risks, hoping against hope, believing in things that I cannot see at the present moment; they lie in limbo, keep me humble and shape my understanding of how I can grow in my faith more every day. Through the eyes of faith, my blocks exist so I can become better. Challenges exist to sharpen me - difficult people become spiritual teachers, and most importantly? The impossible becomes possible.
I am grateful for this aspect of my life. Today, I’m thankful for the chance to share this with you.
I’m imperfectly forming my words around this topic, and I realise that it might sound out of place, but to me, today….right now? It feels perfectly placed on this blog, and if I am called to….I will share more.
Big Love,