Marketing with Story
Storytelling is the most effective way to market your services and products online. It's not just about making a video; it's about telling a story that engages with the audience and encourages them to take action.
In this post, I'll explain what storytelling is, why it works so well and how you can use storytelling techniques in your own marketing efforts.
Storytelling allows people to live vicariously through others' experiences or fantasies (and sometimes even creates new ones). In other words, when we read or watch stories, we get a sense of what life would be like if we were part of them ourselves. As humans are social creatures who thrive on connection with each other, this type of engagement makes us feel good at an emotional level—and we want more! So how do you learn how to tell stories that engage your audience?
The power of storytelling in marketing.
Let’s dive into the power of storytelling in marketing.
The first thing you should know about stories is that they resonate with people. Stories are a universal way to communicate, so when you tell them well, they can be very powerful tools for your business and brand. When you create content that resonates with your audience, you increase engagement on social media platforms and boost sales conversions—which means more money in your pocket!
You might be thinking: “What does this have to do with me? I don't have time to learn how to write a story." Well, luckily there’s no need for you to worry about writing compelling stories at all! With the right tools and processes in place, anyone can create high-quality content that will give them an edge over their competitors.
What is content marketing?
Content Marketing is a form of marketing that involves creating and distributing relevant and valuable content to attract, acquire, and engage a clearly defined and understood target audience with the objective of driving profitable customer action.
Content marketing mixes together many different elements: art, science, strategy... and sometimes even a little luck! The most successful content marketers first understand who they're talking to. They know what makes their audience tick, so they can write in a way that will resonate with them on an emotional level. They also know how to use all kinds of media - from social media posts to email newsletters - as well as where these should live (website? blog?)
Are you telling stories or serving ads?
Much like the idea of content marketing itself, it’s easy to get confused about what it means to tell a story.
Are you telling stories or serving ads?
Perhaps the most common mistake is confusing “storytelling” with “advertising”—the former aims to build relationships and the latter is often focused on selling, but both are forms of marketing communications. When creating content for your brand, never lose sight of this key distinction between the two. If your goal is just to sell your product or service and nothing more, then yes—you need advertising! But if you want to build relationships with people who already know who you are and what they can expect from working with your company (and perhaps even potential fans), then tell them stories instead.
Creating a story arc to market.
Story arcs are an important part of the marketing process. A story arc is a series of events that builds to a climax, such as getting your product into the hands (or claws) and mouths of your audience.
Here are some reasons why you should use story arcs when marketing:
Story arcs can help you connect with your audience by bringing them into the world you create through social media influencers or other content creators. You want them to feel like they're part of something bigger than themselves—and who doesn't want that? We all do! It's also fun!
Story arcs help build your brand and make it memorable, which can lead to sales opportunities down the line. You'll be able to tell people about what makes your product different from others on the market and how it benefits them differently than competitors' offerings do—all because they've already gotten invested in its success beforehand through reading about it online or seeing reviews about it firsthand on YouTube channels dedicated exclusively toward reviewing products like yours (if any exist).
Marketing through connection.
The most important thing when it comes to storytelling is connecting with your audience. Once you’re able to connect with them on a personal level, you can use their emotions as a way of telling stories that resonate with them. And it doesn’t have to be high drama or intense emotion either; positive emotions are just as effective!
This connection can be done through content marketing, social media posts and more. The best part about this is that it doesn’t require anything more than listening to your audience and using their words for inspiration for future content creation.
Telling your story creatively with the help of technology and human creativity.
Technology can help you be more creative and find new ways to tell your story. It may not be just for the tech industry, but it can help you connect with your audience in new ways.
You don't have to be a techie or have any coding experience to tell stories creatively with technology.
The internet is a great place for creativity; think about all of those cat videos on YouTube!
Modern marketing using both online and offline tactics.
Online marketing.* Most people think online marketing is the same thing as digital marketing, but that's not really true. Online marketing includes anything you do on a computer or mobile device (internet) including search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click advertising (PPC), social media ads, and email marketing to name just a few.
Offline Marketing.* This is any form of traditional advertising—TV commercials, radio spots, print ads—that doesn't happen online. In other words: billboards.
You can use both together effectively by understanding what each offers and when to use them in your campaign.
Solidifying your brand by building a clear audience profile.
You need to know who your audience is and what they want, need, like and dislike. You also need to know how you can reach them and how you can engage with them. If you don't know this information, then how do you expect to market effectively?
If you're going to use storytelling in your marketing strategy, then it's vital that you know exactly who your target audience is and what they want from a brand like yours.
Businesses need to tell stories to connect, not just sell.
In the past there was a clear line between advertising and storytelling. Ads were sales pitches that told you what to buy and why you needed it, whereas stories were something else altogether.
Today, that line has blurred considerably as consumers have become more savvy and businesses more attuned to their needs. Businesses need to tell stories that connect with people emotionally—not just sell them on a product or service.
The power of connection can be seen in many popular TV shows like Game of Thrones or Breaking Bad which have huge fanbases despite being marketed through traditional advertising channels such as billboards, radio spots and TV commercials (as well as online ads via Facebook). The reason? These shows are based on characters we care about who go through incredible journeys while facing tremendous obstacles along the way—all while wearing designer clothes!
As you can see, story marketing is a powerful tool that can help you market your business and reach new customers.
It’s important to keep in mind that stories don’t have to be long or complicated. In fact, many of the best stories are simple and straightforward. The key is using your own voice and sharing something about yourself or your brand through the story. This will help build trust with potential customers and make them more likely to engage with what you have to say online.
So go out there and tell some great tales! You just might change the world in the process.