Ready to wrap up 2022? 6 things to reflect on for your business content
The end of the year is a great time to pull things together and get set for next year.
It’s also a chance to look back on what you’ve done and plan for the future.
Here are a few things that can help you make the most of this opportunity:
Be ready to capitalise on the holidays
It can be easy to lose focus as you head into the holiday season, especially with all of your other responsibilities. You'll want to make sure that your content strategy is ready to go heading into the new year.
Here are five things to consider:
How will you capitalise on holidays? This may include publishing blog posts or email newsletters, creating videos and social media posts on major holidays, etc. Think about what you want your readers/audience to take away from this time of year and how they might benefit from it.
Are you prepared for a big marketing push? If so, think about how much time-off work will take up—and what kind of energy level it will leave behind when we get back from break! It's important not only that we're well rested but also that we have adequate down time during our holiday breaks so that we don't burn out before the new year begins in January 2023 (or later depending on where in Australia or New Zealand).
2. Look back on your year and plan ahead
To kick off your year-end content planning, here are a few questions to consider:
How have your stories told this year? What worked well? What didn’t work at all? What was missing? How do you want to tell stories in the next year and beyond?
Where can you make strategic improvements for future content plans based on what you learned this past year.
3. Review your content calendar and make sure all your ducks are in a row
Now is the time to review your content calendar for the year.
Are you on track? Are there any gaps in your content calendar that need to be filled?
Is there a strong recurring theme or message that ties together all of your content? If not, can you find one?
Is there anything missing from your social media channels and website that would help drive new traffic and subscribers?
4. Evaluate how you’ve told stories this year, and think about how you want to do it in the new year.
Now that you’ve got a handle on the kind of content you want to create, it’s time to think about how you went about creating it.
Think back on this past year and consider what worked, what didn’t work, and why. Make a list of your goals for next year—things like "I need more time to produce my own photos," or "I want to take on more video projects." In addition to thinking about your production process, also take some time to evaluate how your audience has responded to different types of content. Do they like live streams? Do they prefer written articles? What do people hate seeing from you? Where could you focus more energy in 2023?
5. Think about what’s next.
The second thing to think about is what's next.
Are you going to hire someone? Are you going to launch a new product or service? What are the goals for your business in the next six months? If that's not clear, then it might be time for an internal review of your business strategy. Make sure that all of this is documented somewhere so you can quickly refer back to it when needed.
Keep in mind that while end-of-year content is important, it's just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to marketing and sales strategies for small businesses. This year, make sure that 2023 has more than one goal—and don't forget about making plans for those goals!
6. The end of the year is a great time to pull things together and get set for next year.
The end of the year is a great time to pull things together and get set for next year. Consider:
Don't forget about your content calendar. Reviewing your current calendar, and adjusting for any changes in strategy or focus, will help you keep the momentum going into next year. Be sure to include plenty of social media content—it’s one of the best ways to build community around your brand! (And don’t forget that it helps you connect with new customers.)
Don't forget to review your social media strategy. Plan out when you're going to post during each month so that you have enough time between posts before they go stale (i.e., have at least three weeks between posts). Then take advantage of holidays by posting more often than usual on those days; this will allow people who don't check in regularly feel included while also making them more likely come back when it's less crowded later on down the line!
Don't forget what really matters most: telling stories through video or written pieces that resonate with readers/viewers by giving them something valuable but also entertaining/engaging at some level as well."
I hope this guide has given you some ideas for your content marketing strategy over the holidays. I know it can be tricky to stay on top of all these strategies and still have time for family and friends, but I also know that if you keep it in mind from the start of the holiday season and plan accordingly, you’ll be able to see the fruits of your work in the new year!