Screw being perfect

Screw being perfect


Screw being perfect 〰️

Photo Credit: Dulcey Lima on Unsplash

Trying to be perfect is a bit like trying to catch your shadow. Something mythical, seemingly possible - but really, it feels like most of the times I've delayed, ignored or blatantly acted as if the task in front of me is just not good enough is because of a standard in my mind that's just so much higher. 

Those crazy standards that you'll probably never reach will only fuel a sense of doubt instead of creating vitality, creativity, focus and courage, which is what you need when it's time to hit some goals.

The things we do under the guise of 'research' (!) Researching could mean jumping onto Pinterest to check out something but drowning in what's a bottomless ocean of information. 

Researching could mean comparing yourself to strangers, wondering why you're not really where they are and why you're not doing better. It makes me mad now just thinking about the times I've blown things way out of proportion just because I've been too preoccupied and way too bothered about a goalpost that has its foundation in the clouds rather than the moment I'm in. 

It sounds like someone was blindly tethering into mediocrity! We've all got to forgive ourselves, though, right?

I'm also guilty of holding others to standards of perfectionism!! 

That's another post for another day, but how often do we do this? Forget that things take time, allowing for mistakes, taking failure in our stride and launching instead of moping around, feeling sad about what's possibly an excellent thing, only marred by a spirit of it's-just-not-good-enough!

Here are some ways perfectionism creates more confusion

  • Perfectionism makes you feel as though you're never going to be good enough.

  • Perfectionism fucks with your sense of purpose.

  • Perfectionism isolates you from the rest of your community, and you feel like you're the only one having that experience!

  • It's a creator of anxiety - useless anxiety that only stalls creative / business/ life projects more

  • It moves the goalposts further away from where you initially thought

  • It's useless.

On that note: forgive yourself for the times when it's just felt like you're not good enough - and know THIS: you are MORE than good enough. Heck, you're a badass and a star in the making.

Now, screw being perfect and enjoy being a creator.


Fay x


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