Link love - March 2022

Image by pawel szvmanski from Unsplash

Helloooo! I’m excited to share the very first Link Love post for this website ✨ here we go!

Totally love Emma Isaacs Interview with Squarespace CMO Kinjil Mathur

This guy ditched his iPhone for a full year and this is how it turned out. I’m tempted to try it out myself now

Coming out of the pandemic is a whole thing. Here’s how to redefine your purpose

Using newsletters for your marketing? Here are some call to actions to use!

Creating content can be stressful for lots of people! Emmy writes about how to create content, her way

The morning routines of famous artists - and also, the false promises of Morning Routines 🚩 ,

Elizabeth Gilbert’s thoughts on writing and spending a lifetime being a writer.

Madeleine Dore wrote a book ‘I didn’t do the thing today’ - here’s an excerpt

Ali Abdaal shares what he’s learned about love and relationships

Why 2022 is a good time to start a business 👈🏼

Having accountability buddies while creating something might be something you need.

The Art of bad gardening

Overcoming your weakness as an entrepreneur

What does it mean to have a Creative Legacy?

Also, I’m going to leave you with this quote from a book I’m reading about advertising - by John Hegarty:
Check it out here: It’s called ‘Hegarty on Advertising: Turning Intelligence into Magic’.

I define creativity as an ‘expression of self’. || You cannot create great work unless a bit of you goes into it, be it your heart, your soul or your beliefs. Whatever you create - it could be painting, writing, designing or even advertising - the work that results is an expression of you.
Of course, what each of us creates may talk to different audiences and perform different functions, but ultimately, it carries your beliefs and your thumb print. If what you create is to be successful, it has to have an integrity and humanity that touch people, and those qualities come from within.
Without that, you’re just going through the motions and will almost certainly produce work that won’t last and won’t stick. ||
That’s why creative people can be so insufferable: they’re not just doing a job, they’re expressing their beliefs.


Your business, your way


Creative Cave.