Creative Cave.

Every once in a while, you get a chance to absorb the silence around you. 

All at once, there's a powerful pull towards 'listening' - the richness of which creates an atmosphere so powerful, you get swept up in it, away from the noises of the world surrounding you, just allowing yourself to be… just BE.

For me, this often is the 'Cave' aka, my Creative Cave, a convex of sorts, in which clarity and flow combine to bring ideas, connections and latent possibilities. Awash with potential, it truly is the moment where I allow the ideas to flow, to take precedence and priority, and to get soaked up - either on paper or my trusty MacBook.

It's so easy to feel distractions, and the heartless to-do lists of our lives break into the inner peace of our creative selves, am I right?

I often feel like I'm in a relationship with creativity. The more space and care I give it, the more it gives me. Creativity is like serendipitous magic, arriving in its own perfect time. If it finds the receiver too busy or not in a receptive space, it quickly makes its merry way to another more eager soul. I got this notion from Elizabeth Gilbert, where she writes about Big Magic, the nature of ideas and the possibility that they might, in fact, be…wait for it…ALIVE.
Hence the need for conscious creative time. 

Away from the honourary badge of 'busy'. Doing the more important crucial tasks of 

Creative Cave time is sacred and special. It's the ultimate presence you can give to your ideas and the incredible imagination that swirls inside each of us. Cave time is both a reflection and a pause; it's channelling and documentation. It's about catching the wave that rises and meets you in a magnificent moment. Each person has their own pace and flow and creating the time for 'Creative Cave' life changes so much.

But how does one make this happen? So many ways, but for me? Here's a little sequence. 

Your creative space might not look like this, but it might make you feel like this!

CREATIVE CAVE: Enlivening possibilities where new ideas flow

  1. Clarify your intention: First of all, intending this to happen is extra essential. Every single thing begins with intention. Every action is allowed because we allow it to happen.

  2. Creating time: Blocking space in the diary where possible. I know this sometimes just doesn't look like there's a chance for this to happen, but even 20-30 minutes of solace can make a world of difference.

  3. Creative space: Environment is everything. What makes you come alive? Is it nature? Is it that quiet corner at your local library? Maybe a seat at your favourite cafe or even closer to home, a corner of a couch near a window. Whatever it is, find it, make it the

  4. Informing the nears and dears of our lives: Letting your partner/mum/dad/siblings/children know that your time is special and important to you - this might be met with resistance, but as time goes, you'll find that these ideas are respected and even appreciated!

  5. Feeling your way through the session: Allowing, beholding, receiving, channeling; however you’d like to describe it, there’s one common thread in all these sessions - to be the connector between that Divine force called creativity, and the 3D plane that you’re on.

  6. Closing with a ritual - Do something that allows you to close the session and feel like you've completed your time, for now, with inspiration.

Our brains are swirling with information these days, our phones buzzing - demanding urgent action or a little bit more of our attention.

This Cave is an antidote to all of this and a surefire way of bringing yourself to your own creative centre. Think of it as attendance to your own personal genius, the place where you gather your hard earned wisdom (yes, you are wise) and tap into deeper layers when it comes to thinking about problem solving, or anything really.


Link love - March 2022


An Activity To Clarify Your Creative Identity