Gallery: Woollahra library in Double Bay
Every once in a while, you arrive at a magical place of some kind, one that you’d never believe existed.
My love of books began as a child. I was never into dolls, playing dress up or trying to get the next toy. For me? My happiness was in the moments my father or mother took me to a bookshop. Those moments for me were nothing short of magical and I gobbled up every title, every word I could possibly. And Dare I Say, it’s the case even now.
The first library I ever went to was one at St Joseph’s high school, a little room with a lot of books. The entire class was ushered in and we had about 10 minutes to pick a book that would then have to be returned in a fortnight (or was it a month, I forget)
Walking into that first library left me with an unending sense of awe and teary-eye wonder, something I find very hard to put into words, but a feeling that is now very familiar to me.
A library with plants for days? Greenery from the ceilings, creepers on the staircases…pinch me.
As one enters, you see a series of hanging gardens welcoming visitors into the space, this place connects to the next three levels. Entering the library on level one, visitors can return books and watch them being automatically sorted. This is also the the community floor and the level also offers a Multi-Function room, Quick Browsing Collection, and a Junior Library.