hey there, I’m Fay

Digital storyteller + Agency owner.
Here to
Craft Impactful Content
for business owners. 

a little about moi:

Currently living in beautiful Sydney

I love helping brands to attract their ideal audience.


Loves books + coffee

loving being mum to liam

What I do:

I see your dreams and your business vision*, and I'm here to sprinkle some marketing magic to let that brilliance sparkle even more.

*I believe that good business is a catalyst for positive change and a force for good.


From the BLOG

Check it out here!


All about Content Marketing, business lessons and walking the freelance path.


Feels like the day after New Year’s Day is a good time as any to saunter back into this space…

You've got a great idea, and you need to get it out there. You know that content is king these days, but where do you start?

When was the last time you felt pure Joy?When was the last time you told someone you loved that you loved them? (Do it now.)

Work with me

Story Strategy

A plan to outline, create and organise a strategic approach to marketing on your social channels and website.

More info here

Content creation

Need to hire a in-house content creator to execute, create stories, write content or maybe film your next video?

Chutzpah HQ


Group workshops

You have a team but need assistance on special projects, short term programs for your company. Let’s chat!

more info soon

Took Some riskS, learned a lot.

Over the last three years, I’ve experienced the highs and lows of running a biz, here’s a few things to make your first year a little easier.


Check out the latest blog post here:

Book Review: The Obstacle is the Way by Ryan Holiday

When we think about goals and achieving them, most people will at some point encounter things that make said goal impossible. It might be physical or a mental thing that holds you back, and these obstacles are the very thing that keep us from going all the way to achieving and becoming who we’re meant to be. Ryan Holiday has written a fantastic book, The Obstacle is the Way. I’d read it around 3 years ago and was meant to write about it, but hey, it’s 2024 now. No better time to do the thing you said you were going to do.

This book will change the way you think about your goals and it certainly will change the way you think about the challenges that come your way.