I’m back :)
9 months in me and 4 months out.
Never in my entire life has something consumed me more than this. This roller coaster, life transforming, life changing, life altering experience of motherhood. Liam is now the first thing I think of when I wake up and the last thing I think of before I go to bed. His giggles and antics make my day. He has such a sweet nature, I cry when I think about it.
On the other side of this coin, I’m out the tunnel of newborn baby phase and I’m beginning to feel the pull to come back to my own world where I work, create and continue growing the business I founded in Sydney.
I just also want to add this. The early days feel so excruciatingly difficult at times, you can feel defeated and completely depleted on so many levels. It feels like there’s nothing really left to give. But you soon realise that you have more than enough for the both of you. Each day passes and you’re soon, in a better flow with yourself and the world around you. I guess that’s where I am now, so I’m able to write this.
I’ve realised that there are some friends who are truly interested and truly care. I’m so, so grateful for them.
This is starting to feel like a journal entry.
Here’s to the chaos and the endless joy of creating a new adventure for yourself. I’m not going to promise that I’ll write here everyday or every week, but I will say this: I’m back and I’m so so grateful to be here.