…and we’re live.
When I first begin something, there’s usually a ton of excitement involved. From my waking moments until I finally fall asleep at night, there’s a flurry of things flowing through my brain, several tabs open at once, Pinterest boards for inspiration, and a list of the things I want to curate, compile and collate.
I live for new ideas and inspired action. They are really what bring meaning and structure to my life. Like the constant flow of something that both inspires and fascinates me, ideas capture, hold me hostage to them until…through some effort and time, I’m able to finally breathe life into them and release them into the wild.
I’ve long wanted to have this space under my name - no fluff, just me living, learning and sharing - life, adventure, business, places and people.
My work has always been a big part of what I do, and writing about it seems natural. Work, however, exists in the interconnectedness of everything else in one’s life, so it made sense to create something that included the rest.
So here we are; first, post-hitting publish on what was once a thought and a desire to share life experiences, business lessons and the rest of it.
Ideas are what might separate us from each other, and they are the very things that bring us together.
Perhaps some of you want to begin a business. Maybe you want to turn a craft into something larger.
Or you have an artistic scheme to share with the world. You are interested in contributing to your community or just something that adds a sense of meaning to your world.
I’m in the same space. Ideas drive me. They drive my work and they’ve always been able to inspire me.
Sometimes it’s a moment of simplicity, and other times its two of them converging and creating…a brand new idea!
This space is dedicated to ideas. To the people who are inspirational, to the spaces and places in my world that bring joy, and to the work that I do on the daily.
Some rules for this blog:
In the past, I have, but this time I'm not going to worry about sounding professional.
My main aim is to write and sound like me. I don't want to write like anyone else, and I am not going to try to.
There will be no rules around the kind of post it is.
A picture post, maybe just words, maybe a bit of audio and maybe even video!
Let’s try and be spontaneous, shall we?
I will not hold myself to any kind of posting schedule, but show up when I feel like my words, images or videos really need to shared.
And last, but not least, I promise to have fun, fun and more fun as I craft and create for you.
Welcome to this website, to this blog and to this new year. I hope, for everyone’s sake that we are kinder to each other and treat one another with love.
Big Love,
Fay x