revisiting old dreams
I’m feeling poetic today…
All of our journeys are reflections of childhood longings, are they not?
Much of what I do in my day to day is a yearning for expression, creative bliss combines with the freedom of an artist. I take tentative steps, sometimes I fall, sometimes I rise - but every time, I learn.
It takes courage to revisit old dreams. To look at them and still feel the hunger that you didn’t think you’d feel, and then with all the heart you can muster, you run towards them! The greatest gift is not in losing, it’s what happens to your insides to know that you’ve given up on trying.
So try, and try again.
When you feel like it’s not going to be the outcome you hoped for, or the story that you would have liked to live out, try again.
Maybe you might need to take a break, but know that life will always present you with more opportunities than you would expect.
I’ve revisited dreams and some of them have come true, while some of them are making their way toward me. I’ve had plenty of patience before, and I still have a ton left.
My husband said to me this week, “Let your joy be your compass”. I’m holding on to every bit of joy that comes my way, and while those bigger dreams are being birthed in the belly of my own universe, I’ll find the fulfilment of creation and the passion to keep going and soak in every array of opportunity as it flows to me.
I’m feeling poetic today, feeling romantic about my dreams…..