Peace, Pixels, and Personal Bonds

From the 26th floor of a Melbourne high-rise, I gaze out over the southern part of the city.

It's 2 AM, and a unique quiet envelops me—the silence that descends when my toddler is fast asleep.

Lately, I've been more active on social media, and it's striking how many of us now offer lenses into our worlds—little graphical representations of our lives, snapshots of the moments that define us.

There's a privilege in being allowed into these glimpses, just as there's a privilege in sharing our own journeys.

But I've noticed something unsettling, too. It's become so easy to scroll through Instagram and feel instantly updated on someone's life.

A digital veneer often creates a mirage of closeness, lulling us into believing we're connected when we've merely skimmed the surface of someone's life. It's a deceptive comfort that whispers we no longer need to engage in the vulnerability of real conversation.

This realisation hit home after a series of recent, serendipitous reunions with old friends. These encounters reminded me that there's so much more beneath the surface than what we see online. I'm as guilty as anyone of forming impressions based on these digital snapshots, taking for granted that I'm truly ‘updated’ on someone's life.

An image captures a moment, but it can't encapsulate the entirety of a person's journey. While a picture may be worth a thousand words, it can never replace the thousands of words exchanged in a phone call or a face-to-face catch-up with loved ones.

Don't get me wrong—I cherish social media and the joy of sharing daily adventures. But what I truly treasure are the friends, family, and connections I'm blessed to have in my life. These real, deep connections are what fill me with that sense of peace and hope. They give my life meaning and purpose, and there’s little else that will ever replace that feeling.

I want to challenge myself to see past the carefully curated snapshots. The real magic lies in the unscripted conversations, the shared silences, and the messy, beautiful complexities of those we care about. It's in these raw, unfiltered moments—whether over a cup of coffee or a call—that we forge the connections that truly enrich our lives.

So while we scroll, let's not forget to reach out, listen deeply, and embrace the full, vibrant stories of the beautiful humans who colour our world.

I'd love to know what you think! Does social media make you feel more connected to your loved ones, or does it sometimes create a false sense of closeness? How do you balance your online interactions with real-world connections? Share your experiences in the comments :)

Fay xo


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